The COVID-19 Crisis & School

When schools were shut down across Texas, parents were now suddenly expected to be the teachers at home and also work virtually from home. Despite the level of virtual instruction that was provided by your child’s school, the job of actually getting the assignments completed unfortunately fell to mom and dad. Understandably, schoolwork battles began at home and our office traffic increased considerably due to the school issues. In the Spring, we encountered two types of students who were having significant difficulty:
• The Active Avoider – This child or adolescent actively resisted any schoolwork. Arguing, negotiating, and tantrums were common and became part of an exhausting and frustrating routine for mom and day.
• The Passive Avoider – This child or adolescent indirectly resists his schoolwork. Comments of “I don’t understand,” “can I do it later,” “Can I get a snack, “can I go to the bathroom,” and “I forgot” are frequently heard in a familiar and predictable pattern to escape classwork. If mom and dad were finally able to get their child to the table, no work was produced unless you were with your child through every exhaustive step, problem, project, and assignment. Unfortunately, mom and dad were now back in school with their child.
Currently the Texas Education Agency (TEA) is offering the following guidance:
“back-to-school transition process, during a period up to the first four weeks of school, which can be extended by an additional four weeks by vote of the school board, school systems may temporarily limit access to on-campus instruction. As a result, some parents opting for their student(s) to attend on campus may be required to start with remote instruction temporarily”
Looks like mom and dad get to be the teacher, again!
Our office offers a systematic plan to reduce the tantrums and defiance and increase your child or adolescents’ independence by taking responsibility for their own education. With our plan and techniques ,we will foster Educational independence. With the goals of helping you child with organization, planning, overcoming frustration, persistence, responsibility, and working within time limits for school success.